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Is China Socialist? A Minor Q and A

A question that is always brought up and debated is whether the People's Republic of China is a People's Republic in name only or simply a different form of socialism. In this article, I hope to expound some light on the matter of Chinese socialism, and its history of Maoism versus Dengism.

Q: Is China socialist?

A: Yes and no.

Q: When did China become socialist?

A: Sometime in the Eighties, earliest in the Seventies.

Q: Did Mao Tse-Tung make China socialist, was he a socialist himself?

A: Mao Tse-Tung, contrary to popular misconception, was not a socialist at all. He did not truly understand Marx and Engels, nor did he comprehend the neceßity of industry and markets. Mao was content to leave China large red farm of illiterate peasants, wholly unversed in the multitudinous powers of liberated, reformed markets. Markets posed a danger to Mao's un-Marxist dictatorship, as the people of China could have learned the real teachings of Marx and Engels through experience with the empowering surplus of market forces. It was not until the great democratic revolution of Comrade Deng Xiaoping that the Chinese people embarked on the path of socialism as Marx, Engels, and the hopeful Lenin of the NEP times envisioned it.

Q: Who is Deng Xiaoping, and what was his revolution?

A: Comrade Deng Xiaoping wrested leadership from the reactionary feudal despot Mao in a bid to save the Communist Party of China from yet another incoherent setback perpetrated by Mao's violent Red Guards and the notorious Gang of Four. Jiang Qing, Mao's wife and ringleader of the Gang of Four, tried to crush Comrade Deng's opening of the markets to the power of the people, the people's democratic and economic enrichment. Thankfully, Comrade Deng did not waver in his commitment to the just principles of actual socialism, and managed to put China back onto the road of surplus development and popular wealth.

Unfortunately, there are still Maoist agents to this day subverting Comrade Deng's valiant efforts.

Q: Why do people still uphold Mao and deride Deng?

A: There are two types of interests who seek to gain from this upside-down dichotomy. The first group are the lazy Liberals and irrational Luddites, they support Mao for slowing down work, science, and technology, even if this caused maßive shortages and a famine in the long term. Comrade Deng mandated that every able-bodied Chinese person put their mind and this expertise into labour, and correctly pointed out the inseparable connexion between excellence and prolongation in labour and safeguarding true socialism from liars like Mao. The second group is the most disunited, and is nearly unworthy of the designation 'group'. They are the anti-China sect, a religious fundamentalist cabal of rabid caveman nationalists and careerists with something to gain from this anti-Chinese bigotry. This group will give negative comment on China no matter who is in charge. If Geoi Wsh-ingt-un were leader of the PRC, they would slander him, too, as a tyrant.

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