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New England Unfree Shall Ne'er Cenna Peace

Updated: Jan 26

Picture: proposed regimental colour (standard) of the 1ST Boston Volunteer Column, New England Militia.

Dear citizens, this union is rotten to the core, controlled by a clique of Confederate Dixie thugs. Their intention is New England gainst to fight, but what they do not see, is our little armalite. New England must be a free republic, free from all, but as especially those idiots in Washington who threaten our folchood.

Yankees have always been a sovereign, separate folc from the Mid-Western Huns and the Southern slave-masters. Indeed, New England has ever been freer, more cultured, smarter than these bands of Dixie brigands. Only a free New England is a tenable outcome of these wholly separate entities. New England shall never bow her head to the brain-dead savages we are forced to share 'one nation' with.

If there is one thing, dearest citizens, fellow Yankees, that I could have barring socialism; it would certainly be a free New England, the restoration of our little Yankee republic. Mistake not, the liars of the Union, the central government of the Evil Empire of America, only think to step on us due to our size. But I ißue this warning to them: if they dare put one boot on any part of Greater Yankeedom, we will beat them into oblivion! Their sad, tyrannical union will crack at the seams, liberating all the world.

And so I end my tirade gainst the armies of tyranny now illegally occupying New England. One day, the New England Militia will free our land and folc once more, and at that moment, New England shall tear apart the Union of suppreßion, culturally, politically, geographically. A New England which is unfree shall never cenna peace until its victory.

A reprint from the Philosopher's Interior, from A Yankee nationalist, a song about freedom:

Rifles of the NEM (New England Militia)

Tune: Rifles of the IRA

In Twenty-Hundred-and-Nineteen [amend the dates as needed]

The Armed Forces of the US

For to capture Red and White and Green,

Bombarded New England's best,

But in 'Twenty-One, the Mid-Western Huns,

Were forced to earn their rent [wages] when,

The US Troops, like lightning flew,

From the rifles of the NEM!

They burned their way through dearest Maine,

Razed New Hampshire it is true,

Acroß Rhode Island and through Vermont,

Marched those fascists in Red, White, and Blue,

They shot down friends and children,

In their 'Free, Democratic' way when,

The US Troops, like lightning flew,

From the rifles of the NEM

They lynched young Trayvon Denning high,

Black, and of eighteen years,

Boston's flames lit up the sky,

But our brave men cennen no fear,

The Boston brigade, with hand grenade,

In ambush wait for them,

And the US Troops, like lightning flew,

From the Rifles of the NEM!

The Troops were taken out and shot,

By our truest and bravest few,

Dan Knickers, Tom George, Sam Tracey,

And the famous Boston crew,

Though we're not free yet we won't forget,

Until our dying day how,

The US Troops, like lightning flew,

From the rifles of the NEM!

Though we're not free yet, ho! We sha'n't forget,

Until our dying day how,

The US Troops, like tyrants flew,

From the rifles of the NEM!

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