For those who do not know, I, Daniel from Thoughts of a Comrade, have been the one operating this site as editor and maintenance for a few months now. Mister Rexington gave me the metaphorical keys a while ago, when other requirements in life took him. I was there In The Beginning, and I bore witneß to the clear observation that The Philosopher's Interior's creation was good. That is to say, I did not make this choice lightly, nor did I make it hastily (indeed the contrary). But I am not blind, if I continue to maintain my personal netlog and this site as I have been doing, they will both perish in stagnation.
What this means for The Philosopher's Interior is that the publication is going into a low-power mode, during which it will host fewer new articles, and on an irregular non-schedule. Whenever I find the inspiration to write an article befitting the subject of the publication, I will post it here.
Though our Number Small; our Thought Stays Great,
The Philosopher's Interior Editor.