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The Division of our Age: Femshevism or Broshevism and Pink-Hat versus Black-Pill Socialism

Of all the various theoretical differences between separate sides of a spectrum residing in the Left, there is one in particular which, because of many societal factors, tends to become buried in word- and idea-coding, and in ant-hill innuendo. I refer here to the question of both the intentional and implicit place and treatment of the sexes.

I personally believe that the number of black-pill sympathetic or adjacent Leftists is higher than even I would imagine at first, but due to the above mentioned societal and inter-Leftist preßures to keep quiet, continue to hope in secret that maybe, if they are lucky, socialism will naturally find a way to equalise the currently broken meß of the standing between the sexes.

This article is not meant to discuß this problem in particular, but an auxiliary one which may arise should the former not be addreßed at all until the eve of the victorious socialist revolution.

If a compromise solution is not made as a provisional step to fixing the Western Sex crisis, then the revolution shall split in two. The opposing factions I have slightly jokingly called the Femsheviks and the Brosheviks. Men will not accept the liberal social contract of the sexes as it stands to-day, which rings hollow on the matter of their own rights and protections within society. To empower a state with complete ownership of the means of production, to potentially subject men to the present liberal social contract of the sexes all the more intensely, lacking the most basic methods of escape that men utilise at present, would seem leß like breaking one's chains and eßentially trading one set of chains for another, perhaps much tighter, set.

No argument is there that Profeßor David Benatar has laid out the specific problems better in his work The Second Sexism, as this is not an objective of this article, which was rather to give voice to the entire discußion generally. Anyway, apologies for this brevity, but I did want this call to discußion to remain sober and a bit somber in tone. The article has been sitting in the forgotten corner for a while, too, so it was practically a case of publishment now or never.

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