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Triumph of the Maßes: The Conspiracy of the Floyd Case

I write here the truth, though it may end my life on this earth as a social being within the societal framework. Derek Chauvin was not Mr. Floyd's killer. Neither the judge, jury, media, or society itself will announce the terrible truth. The killing of Mr. Floyd, in reality a ritual sacrifice secretly treasured by the elites who disgustingly feign empathy, used Derek Chauvin as the weapon closest at hand, he was the murder weapon. Who then was, or should I say were the killers of Mr. Floyd? It was the maßes who killed George Floyd. Why would the maßes condemn one of their very own officers to imprisonment for the killing of one man for inconsequential crime? This ritual was a little disguised threat against the cultured intelligentsia by the foolish maßes and their allies in the degenerate intelligentsia to shaken us from our cultured oppoßition to their depraved, consumative ways of life. They intend to force this way of life onto the whole world. Their meßage to us is this, that they are so determined in their inquisition against the cultured intelligentsia that they will cannibalise any in their ranks to ruin us.

It is of highest importance that we establish an intellectual paramilitary, and find our Benito Mußolini, a magnificent, highbrow intellectual who can protect us from the revolting tide of the maßes, the hedonistic vulgars. We should take the warning of George Floyd to heart. The middle claßes know not how to cultivate a culture. We must adopt the traditional culture of the on the one hand elegant, on the other militarised aristocracy. If we do not embrace the opposite of their woke culture which as just said is that of the aristocracy, then everything good which is Western European will die. The middle claßes are biologically incapable of finer feeling or thinking. Years of cheap goods and treacherous mercantile busineß have made their brains underdeveloped in the spheres where aesthetic appreciation originate. The middle claßes are not yet devolving, they are still evolving but into their true self-organism, they are becoming vulgars as natural species.

No one truthfully cares about that oaf Floyd. The man was a wasted drug addict who happened to be unlucky. Had he been sober maybe he could have articulated his troubles in a highbrow consuetude. It is complicated to feel compaßion for someone's life when they care so little about it themselves as to be publicly intoxicated all the while making use of public services. But whatever Mr. Floyds moral ineptitude or incrimination, the maßes of the middle committed crime itself by manipulating Mr Floyd and Mr Chauvin to leave a stark and violent example, a meßage of hatred. With this murder cold they aimed to make us shiver. I call to every friend of the cultured intelligentsia to band up as one. If we do not resist this play, then it is a matter of time until like dominos we fall to their degenerate might.

I have a plethora of loyal friends with various ideologies and economic views. The one reason I can write here and know of this journal at all is because of the kind, generous invitation to write for it by the head editor who as everyone probably already knows from his own blog, is a Marxist communist. We can all in some part agree that culture is in serious jeopardy. We do not, and we do not have to agree on the role of the intelligentsia, or on the continued immortal beauty and value of the jackboot in the preßing future. We do not agree on what ideology can best rescue culture. But that we agree on the imperative presented to us to do something in combined action in a bid to rescue society and culture from their linked disintegration. This is enough. At this moment I will finish with a simple note. The new movement that takes itself to be the saviour of culture must be democratic insofar as the intellectual is concerned to voice alternative political or economic recommendations. In the department of culture it must exercise an iron-step in quality and purity else it is a shameleß sham of a collection of malcontent rabble and impotent intelligences. Dictatorship of culture, freedom of structure (politics/economics). As the maßes and their middle claß representatives go, they can legislate themselves for politics and economics but must concede all cultural power to the intellectual dictatorship. It is retracted democracy.

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