On the Exponential Benefits of Consuming Cool FruitMany do not realise the true nature of the juice within fruit. They compare said juices sub-consciously to to tea leaves and coffee...
The Baby Ɛт the Bathwater of Modern ScienceThere is something which is awry with modern science. Science has artificially been made inacceßible to the citizenry, no matter if their...
Fightsong of the Working ClaßTune: Trelawny's Army/Song of the Western Man A Rifle and a Bloody Flag, a merry heart and true, The bourgeoisie shall understand what...
Song of the Leningrad CrewThis is a little song I created, based on The Cumberland Crew. This song refers to the Soviet destroyer Leningrad, constructed in...
Blackshirts and Reds Notes III CH: 7, 8,87m: Most modern Communist parties have reached a consensus that the People's Republic of China is at the very least, market socialist,...
Breaking my Schedule and the Future Style of the BlogWell this is kind of shite, I've already broken my own posting schedule and we're not even a week into it. I have a particular problem,...
The Human Fear of AI: Derived from Liberalism?SHODAN, GLaDOS, Skynet, HAL 9000, the Reapers: chances are statistically 89.7454984286 per cent favourable that the current reader has...
Problems with Trotskyism and the Ideas of Leon TrotskyI have discußed the errors of Trotsky and Trotskyism far too many times for my liking. This being the case, I feel the obliged due to...
Blackshirts and Reds Notes II (10 February)41m: Interesting how Parenti calls it a religious orthodoxy, as I once remarked that liberalism is a direct descendant of Papism (in...
On the Removal of Shakespeare's and Others' Portraits (I Had a Dream)I had a dream last nime. I had a dream, that authors past or present would not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the quality...
6 February Morning CorrespondenceGood Moin my fellow Anglosphericans (at least, I presume that's vaguely where most of those interested in this blog come from). To-day I...
Briefly on Present Calls for a Return to Social-DemocracyThe Western world faces a dilemma to-day: what happened to the social-democratic infrastructure which determined the parameters of latter...