Confeßions on my Lacklustre Ignorance of Philosophy and its Aßorted Disciplines I have an embarraßing confeßion to proclaim. As a Marxist-Leninist, one of the most streßed points of the political development of good...
American Liberalism versus Enlightened LiberalismThere are two types of liberal in this world, and I am not referring to the social/classical divide. The United States, in adopting the...
The Vulgariſation of Engliſh and the Intelligence-backed Riſe of Poſt-Modern 'Ghettovian' EngliſhI am deeply concerned with the courſe modern Engliſh haſ devolved into taking. Village and ſlum variantſ of Engliſh, previouſly confined...
Blackshirts and Reds NotesXIII: Indeed, it is fascism and social-democracy which are related in that before a country may become politically fascist, it must be...