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Bibliography (links) on articles about Culture

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

It seems the biggest question facing me is: what do I mean when I speak of culture? To this end, I have compiled a bibliography of sorts to at least attempt to answer nigh every facet of this immense, complicated question. The links have been divided into five categories: Intellectual Culture, Political Culture, High- and Social- Culture, Linguistic/National Culture, and Personal Choices relating to Culture.

Intellectual Culture How and why philosophy became super abstract, and how this same proceß led to the death of The [original, print] Philosopher's Interior. Why I am disappointed with the elitism, and blind reliance on the university and state displayed by modern academia, and further how this will lead to the intelligentsia as a social community dying out (by not taking apprentices, and building social structures outside the schools and state). relatedly, why I am disappointed with the lack of advocacy for reading, the timidity and consumerism of the publishing houses, and the dogmatic academicisation of 'official' philosophy and 'real' science. : A thesis that I. authors of totalitarian novels have hitherto written up fantastical, completely exaggerated and improbable, or rather illogical worlds not corresponding to the logic of reality, and II. that liberalism has perfected totalitarianism by destroying culture and any sense of real life enjoyment or accomplishment, thereby causing society to try to find an 'out', a false sense of pleasure. : A short piece of fictional literature dealing with middle-claß conformity in opposition to the aristocratic instinct of noble uniqueneß and independence. : How 'public education' is nothing more than cultureleß state propaganda, and how the bourgeoisie fooled the left into supporting such. : A short glimpse of the rise and fall of the left through a focus on leftist publications, and why it is culturally important to pioneer new publications and support comrades' existing ones.

Political Culture an article about how outdated and cryptic Capital is, but in the second half goes into cultural philosophy, (namely how books like Capital fit into it). Why not voting for the Democrats (on cultural grounds) does not in any logical way equate to supporting fascism. The theory of the Means of Production applied to culture, and why maß-immigration will cause a global resource crisis that will make socialism an impoßibility. whether fascism is really 'banal' compared to liberalism, and how they are equally evil in the end, but liberalism takes slower and more implicit steps to dystopia, than the fast and shocking methods of fascism.

High- and Social- Culture The emotional difference separating Left-Liberals and Communists, their ideal view of what a utopian society should look like. and finally, analysing Adam Smith's very own description of the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie to prove that the former is inherently more ideologically socialist than the (liberal capitalist) latter, and how feudalism is in fact the true, though inverted and technologically proto-MOPian, form of socialism, not liberal capitalism. : Explains how we find that republicans are cultured but liberals degenerate, and why liberals, though they profeß to be followers of republicanism, are enemies of all that republican revolutionaries stood for, especially culturally.

Linguistic/National Culture : Why New England ought to be a sovereign nation-state, and demonstrating how the US federal union is both colonialist and the greatest bar to achieving socialism in Yankeedom. Also contains the song 'Rifles of the NEM', at the end Why the suburban middle-claßes invented the dialect of 'Ghettovian', and what conseqyences this will have for the future. :A plea to rally our forces against the rotten, 'ugly vinyl' suburbs, and a short list of words from Ghettovian. : Another rallying speech, prompted by the co-opting of the word 'seethe' to de-Anglify it, outlining the continuation of Norman oppreßion of Anglo-Saxon culture under the middle-claß Ghettovian subversive movement.

Personal Choices relating to Culture why using appropriately cultured notebooks for writing is good for the spirit and intellect of a person. why leather books are better for the spirit, and a review of some leather book publishers. : On the differences between the followers of a Gemachtist cultural worldview and a Grandeurian one, also contains links to parts (articles) I and II

This bibliography was a pain to put together, so please enjoy.

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