Kamala Harris Breaks Kumbaya with CapitalistsIn an unprecedented move within the conservatively bourgeois-liberal Biden campaign, Kamala Harris has managed to upset both...
The Innocence of [His Majesty] Kaiser Wilhelm II (Christina Croft) Notes INotice: this will be the last book whose sets of notes shall be posted to this blog. All future notes (including the full Foundations of...
Briefly about Left Unity and Left ComraderyComrades, you perhaps kenna what my views on left unity are, but if I am also correct, then I have been only vague and at times...
The End Result of Immigration and anti-Cultural PolicyComrades, many of you are likely aware of the debate on the left with whether a socialist state can produce its own Means of Production...
A Very Short Explanation on the Problem of English 🙲 the Origins of GhettovianAny one who has checked out the blog as of late, or who kennas me in real life, can tell you that I am a lingual reactionary of the...
The Struggle to ConformWhere ever one goes, what ever one does, there always appears to be a cloud over him. He is thundered at to conform to every one else...
The Liberal Agents in our Midst, and Why I Sha'n't be Moved.Comrades, I do not enjoy speaking on this subject (indeed, it seems most modern political subjects distretch me), not in the slightest....
On the Newspaper Question (Unfinished Philosopher's Interior Article of Mine).Newspapers: those maß-produced, consumerist, low-effort and low-quality epitomes of the commodification of the word in the role of...
Of Grand Activities and Mächtig Alternatives (Of Grandeur and Gemacht II)Notice: this is not the complete edition of The Exquisite Contra the Mächtig, which will be hosted here when finished. This is a...
Another Small Talk about Education as SystemMy Masters, you likely kenna my basic view on whether education in a compulsory, institutionalised form is a positive environment for the...
Draft... The Exquisite contra The Mächtig (of Grandeur and Gemacht)Dear friends, my friend and I have come to different conclusions on something of great significance for the cultural policy and ideology...
In the MinorityI addreß this post to all of my fellow minoritarians out there. Worry not, I shall make this quick. I am in a hostile territory you see....
Clubcalf: a new DiseaseWell you can just call me Phesoj Slebbeog, fordone I have a terrible case of clubcalf! My calves are mutilated in their total area. The...